Making a referral
Nether Johnstone House cares for both boys and girls aged 8 -21 years old and accepts referrals from all local authorities throughout Scotland, England and Wales. We can respond to referrals to provide care for a child or young person on an emergency, respite and short-term basis, as well as long term placements. We understand and value the importance of family and, as such, we encourage brothers and sisters to live together at Nether Johnstone House.
Each young person who comes to live at Nether Johnstone House will receive a completed assessment of their initial needs to ensure that all necessary supports are in place prior to their arrival. This will include assessing the compatibility with the other children and young people living in the house. Specialist psychological initial assessments are available if required. The team at Nether Johnstone House appreciates the significance of moving to a new house and therefore each child or young person referred has a dedicated keyworker and supporting Manager to oversee their transition, alongside them every step of the way. Positive, developmental relationships are fundamental at NJH and we strive to identify and encourage these from our initial assessment, throughout the transition period. We have a wide range of skills and experience within our team, allowing the flexibility to create a support team, which is matched to the child/young person’s needs, wishes and aspirations.
Participation is central to our approach at NJH. We encourage and support all our children and young people to take an active role in their care and development. Using a strengths-based approach to celebrate success and develop new skills. The children and young people at Nether Johnstone House prepare Welcome boxes to help ease the initial days. Specialist psychological initial assessments are available if required. A post admission multidisciplinary conference will take place within 72 hours of the admission to determine continued service requirements.
For referral enquiries during office hours please call 01505 322 984
Out with office hours please call 07950 390 149
Please forward e-mail enquiries to info@netherjohnstonehouse.com

Useful Stuff
SIRCC conference celebrated its 20th year anniversary in June 2019. Our Service Manager Elaine Hamilton contributed to…read more